Oct. 10, 2013
Be Lifted Up
For those of you who have yet to jump on the Spotify train, I highly recommend that you do. Not only can you listen to basically anything that you want, however and whenever you want, but it is such a great resource for finding new music.
When I was in high school my youth pastor challenged us to give up secular music and listen only to Christian music for one month. I have to admit that this was extremely challenging at first, but in the end it was such a spiritual cleanse for me. I don’t remember a time when I felt closer to the Lord. Since then I have made it a priority to listen to it more often. K-Love is constantly on in my car and their positive message excites me each day as I drive to and from work. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t get into fits of T-Swift (yes, I know..) or some Dupstep (again, I know…) here and there. But I keep the majority of my listening to something that will lift me up, fill me with the spirit and build a foundation for my mood and my day.
Here are some of the songs I’ve been playing non-stop lately. Some you will know, some you may not, but they are all uplifting and I hope you find encouragement in them. Christian music does not have to be boring or old fashioned. It is a gift to refresh us. So join me and Be Lifted Up.
If you guys have any other suggestions I would love to hear about them. :)