Dax Turns Two
Last weekend our baby boy Maddax turned TWO! I just can’t believe it’s been two years since he was born. He has brought so much joy and laughter into our lives, and we loved being able to celebrate that with our sweet friends and family. We planned a fun tractor and truck themed birthday bash. This kid LOVES all things with wheels: tractors, trucks, trains, cars. Every time we drive anywhere, he points out any type of manly vehicle. By yelling at the top of his lungs. So this year I took this fun theme and ran with it. I hope you dig it!
Want to use this theme for your lil one? Check my etsy shop for custom party listings or email me directly at courtney@intentionandgrace.com. Also, be sure to check out Maddax’s first birthday bash HERE.
CommentCategories Design, DIY, Foodie, Home, Kiddos