Oct. 21, 2013

Easy Pumpkin Puree

Since my son Maddax turned 6 months old, I have been pureéing anything and everything he is allowed to eat. It is one of the new mommy things I was most excited about when we got pregnant, I couldn’t wait to cook healthy whole food for my little sweetie. Now that fall is upon us, I decided I would pureé some pumpkin, not only for him, but for some treats for the family as well.

Before this, I had never cooked pumpkin, knew little to nothing about it, and found there was a lot of confusion in my mind as to what kind of pumpkin to get, how to make it or if it would even steam in my baby pureé food maker easily. After doing a little research and picking out a perfectly baby sized pumpkin at the store, I was ready to go.

I have read that all types of pumpkin are edible, but purchased a pie pumpkin, mostly because it sounded good to me…it is also supposed to be the sweetest and smoothest when pureed, which I thought Maddax would enjoy a little better since we are trying new things.


I simply cut the pumpkin in half (my goodness those things are tough), scooped out all the seeds and pulp (here is a great pumpkin seed recipe if you’re into that sort of thing) and put it in my Beaba Babycook Food Maker which I LOVE! After a few short minutes, and a little blending I had two storage trays full of fresh pumpkin for baby boy and me to enjoy.

Maddax has loved eating his pumpkin mixed with other veggies and fruits, or mixed with his cereal in the morning and I have found a few yummy ways to eat some of it myself. :)


1. Pumpkin Pancakes  |  2. Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes  |  3. Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls


Oct. 9, 2013

About Being Intentional

This season in my life I have been hearing and reading about being intentional more and more often, and it’s seeming to stick. Of course I am not (and never will be) a perfect individual, but I can strive to be intentional with my time in a more active and productive way.

I spend hours a week watching television (its my guilty pleasure) even if it is while I am folding laundry, cooking dinner, eating lunch, or doing other mindless chores around the house, I have been feeling conflicted lately, knowing there is a more productive way to engage my mind. This is not to say that I won’t keep a list of favorites tucked away each week, but I hope to be more intentional about which shows I choose, and how often I choose them.

This blog is an out pouring of two things: The fact that I have always wanted to start a blog and tossed around the idea here and there for the past few years. And a place to keep me accountable for my activities, spending, lifestyle, and more. A place to keep my intentions goal minded.

Now, all that said, what I find intentional, you may not. I don’t ever want this to be a place for comparison, judgement, or another way to make us feel inadequate. Social media and society in general do that well enough already. I want Intention & Grace to be a place for people to come to be lifted up or inspired. A place to have some fun, learn some new things and do life a little more closely with me.

So, I hope you will join me in being intentional in your own lives, relationships and with your time. It is a challenge I am taking on head first and would encourage you all to keep me accountable for.

Here are some of the fun things I will be sharing in upcoming posts. Enjoy!


